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„JANDAIA is a tropical bird that I saw for the first time in the state of Maranhão, north-east of Brazil. JANDAIA is an indigenous word, most of the animals and plants still have indigenous names there. When I asked my friend Amélia how to call my album, seven Jandaias appeared in her starfruit tree and sat very close to where we were standing. This was the moment the name of the album was chosen.

Some of the songs, lyrics were written in São Luís - Maranhão where I lived for several years and also in Düsseldorf - Germany, Rio de Janeiro, Barreirinhas and the Lençóis Maranhenses where the rivers meet the ocean, it is a place I am in love with because of it´s fascinating nature. The ten songs within the CD JANDAIA, showcase predominantly traditional rhythms from this region of Brazil, infused with Jazz and Pop. The rhythm Baião (Was Es Alles Gibt), Xote (Every Colour), Tambor de Crioula. I couldn´t resist a Samba (Unsichtbar) and a Bossa Nova (Brother).

For each song I chose the language that would flow out of me while I was in the process of writing the lyrics. The composers became friends and on many days we sat together and wrote songs, sang and laughed until late into the night. I had so much fun and the songs came easily to me while I was in company of such talented musicians and creative composers who will forever inspire me.“

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